UV Stable Building Wrap

Hey Y’all:
Building a house where the ICF Foundation will be partially exposed. The original builder (since fired) used Soprema Colphene peel & stick membrane over the ICF which is now falling off, (see pics). Contacted the manufacturer and the product is not meant to be exposed (not UV stable) and the adhesive can’t tolerate high ambient temperatures. Removing the product will destroy the ICF Foam so our only option is to find an ‘above ground UV stable’ wrap material to place over the exposed areas. Would prefer something that can be installed over the wood sub-floor and the exposed ICF foundation. Any suggestions for a UV stable wrap would be greatly appreciated. Fibre Cement Siding or Faux Stone will eventually cover these areas. Thanks in advance!!
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There is no point of UV stable house wrap if it will be covered. You can tack/tape on some standard house wrap for now to keep it from getting worse.
If you must have UV stable you can look at either Revealshield-sa or AirOutshield UV.
If this is just a temporary issue, try some black landscape fabric. This stuff is relatively inexpensive, made to be in the sun (not all though, be sure to read the tag), and is usually breathable (read the tag again :). Use the landscape fabric to protect the “real” building wrap, then remove the temporary covering before installing your permanent covering.