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Veneer over foamboard insulation

danwayne | Posted in PassivHaus on

I glued 2 inch pink foamboard insulation to the concrete stemwall exterior of my house. Looking for some way to cover it to keep it from degrading. Paint isn’t sufficient protection. I would prefer some type of veneer that I can glue to the outside of the foam board, and avoid having to drill into the stem wall. Has anyone tried this?

We are in the pacific northwest, in a very windy and wet location, and the rest of the home’s exterior is covered in a beige-colored vinyl siding installed by previous owner.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    There are many products to choose from. Here's a link to the discussion of the issue that occurred here at GBA the last time someone asked the same question:

  2. danwayne | | #2


    Very helpful information, thanks for the link. I've searched for info like this elsewhere on line and was beginning to think I'm the only person in the country that doesn't like the way naked pink foam board insulation looks on the outside of my house. Incidentally, we noticed a big improvement in temps inside our (2 story on slab) house this winter after covering exterior stemwall w/foam board.

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