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Vetting Local Window Suppliers

ranson | Posted in General Questions on

I’m looking to buy 25+ windows for a 200 year old brick house in Massachusetts. (zone 4, Metrowest region)  Aside from the big US names and the various Canadian manufacturers, I’m finding that there are some local vinyl window manufacturers. They, in many cases, have much better lead times. For instance, I was just looking at these two:

Specialty Wholesale Supply

Diamond Windows

Other than digging through online reviews, what can I do / what can I find out to know if the suppliers are making a good product?

I also am open to suggestions for quality, economical double hung windows that don’t have long lead times at the moment. Even better if they have local distribution in Massachusetts.

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  1. ranson | | #1

    Specialty Wholesale Supply appears to use Guardian glass, Quanex Super Spacer, and Chelsea Building Products vinyl. Can any judgement be made from this? Their NFRC data seems reasonable.

  2. Patrick_OSullivan | | #2

    Check out Mathews Brothers in Maine:

    They distribute predominantly in the northeast. Good reputation and the best looking American style (i.e. not tilt-turn) vinyl window I’ve seen. I’ve not actually purchased from them but have had very helpful phone conversations with their reps.

  3. ranson | | #3

    I've used Mathews Brothers before. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. BobMaynes | | #4

      Hi John, we're now reopened for tours, in case you'd like to see how they're made. Go to our website, and hit the Contact Us button to schedule your tour. But to your last point, due to supply chain disruption, most window manufacturers are showing extended lead times, even us.

      1. ranson | | #5

        So, I got two quotes for Mathews Brothers, one slow, and one which had an unbelievably fast lead time. I reached out to Mathews Brothers to check on lead times, and Donald Preston pretty much said that dealers do get different lead times and that he couldn't give me any info.

        I ended up reaching out to more dealers, getting slower lead times everywhere. I looped back around to the fast dealer,talking to a different salesman, and they gave me the same lead time as everyone else.

        I'm unimpressed that *I* had to figure out that the dealer screwed up, when it would have cost your sales and service director absolutely nothing to say, "Maybe double check that quick lead time."

        1. BobMaynes | | #7

          But he was correct, dealers do get different lead times.

          1. ranson | | #8

            Being correct and helpful need not be mutually exclusive.

  4. capecodhaus | | #6

    Consider Harvey windows, local MA company.

  5. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques | | #9

    I'd recommend doing a little of your own vetting. Develop a list of questions about their products and ask to speak with someone. Their response to the request, the level/accuracy of information they supply, and the kind of support they provide before/during/and after installation will give you a strong sense of whether or not you want to put your money there.

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