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VOCs — toxic levels at homes versus suppliers and manufacturers

wjrobinson | Posted in Building Code Questions on

Just stepped out of a newer Ace Hardware. The carpet and carpet glue smell was nausea creating. Agway stores and Tractor Supply stores are as bad or more than bad for me.

So, I just don’t get our laws and our group use of the word TOXIC!!!

At our homes we need 100% pure perfect air, but at Agway we can rename the store Gagway?

Bad enough for my ten minutes, what about a store manager putting in 25 years?

And toxic…. The word toxic to me is now toxic!

So, what say all?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Do you have a question?

  2. wjrobinson | | #2

    Too many questions... Here is one. Bad enough for my ten minutes, what about a store manager putting in 25 years?

    Another is home verses supplier laws and exposures to chemical offgassings. IE a carpet store and its employees verses the advice not to expose ourselves to new carpet smells at home but It's ok for the carpet store employees to swim in these pollutants all their working hours for decades?

    To me the allowed exposure to "toxins" should be the same everywhere. At home and in an Agway or carpet store. Are they? Doesn't seem so and I haven't read about ventilation requirements for stores that are especially in need of it like an Agway?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    In most states, commercial buildings need to comply with building codes, including the IECC, which governs commercial construction. The IECC includes requirements for mechanical ventilation.

  4. wjrobinson | | #4

    Air quality at some places like the stores I mention are being ignored by all involved. Customers, employees, the corporations involved, and the codes that apply IMO.

    Anyone with a working nose can tell the air quality at these type of stores is not free of pollutants.

    I feel that as we push for clean quality air in residences we should be doing something about the air at stores (stacked full of chemically offgassing product.)

    At this point I am commenting. Those at the code writing level, write some code. Stores, clean up your air. Corporations, clean up your stores air. GBA, the bad air in the supply chain needs addressing.


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