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  • Building Science

    Air Flow Pathways in a Leaky Exterior Wall

    I found some interesting air leakage evidence while remodeling my bathroom

  • Green Basics

    Tile a Barrier-Free Bathroom

    How to create a roll-in shower: Master tile setter Tom Meehan combines a time-tested mortar base with a modern waterproofing membrane and a linear drain to create an easy-access shower.

  • Green Homes

    A Green Bath Retrofit: From Structure to Finish

    Our second-floor, 50-square-foot full bathroom provides the only bathing in this 100-year-old house, so we had to make it work. We wanted to make the room feel bigger and deal…

  • Green Homes

    Convert an Attic into a Luxury Bath

    Leslie and Heather, the owners of a 100-year-old 1 1⁄2-story house in Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, were tired of hiking downstairs in the middle of the night from their attic…

  • Green Homes

    Deep Energy Makeover: One Step At A Time

    When my wife Chris and I bought this nearly 100-year-old home in 2000, we knew we had our work cut out for us: virtually no insulation; original single-pane windows; a…

  • Article

    A Skylight Cheers Up an Attic Bath

    Of all the rooms in the house, this attic bath used to have the worst layout. Dark and cramped, it measured less than 5 ft. wide and 11 ft. long,…

  • Article

    Breathing Fresh Air Into Bathroom Ventilation

    Powerful, quiet exhaust fans and their smart switches have made it easy to avoid mold, mildew, and stale air in the bath This overview of bathroom ventilation explains how to…

  • Green Basics

    Remodel Project: Bathroom

    While You're Updating the Fixtures, Don't Forget about Water, Moisture, and Ventilation Issues