Katrin Klingenberg
Interview with Katrin Klingenberg
A discussion on what it will take to move the building industry toward climate-positive methods and materials
The Klingenberg Wall
To build a high-R wall, Katrin Klingenberg recommends using I-joists for studs, fiberboard for exterior sheathing, and interior OSB as an air barrier and vapor retarder
Possible Relaxation of Passivhaus Standard Stirs Debate
A PHIUS proposal to implement ‘cost-effective’ adjustments for projects in very cold climates continues to spark comments for and against
PHIUS Says No to Some Types of Spray Foam
Concerns about the global-warming potential of spray polyurethane foam prompt the institute to remove some spray foams from its list of allowed insulation materials
Applying Passivhaus to Post-Katrina Reconstruction
A design organization challenges architects to come up with designs for affordable, energy-efficient homes for New Orleans’ recovering neighborhoods
A Passivhaus Project in D.C. Nears Completion
Construction began last summer, and now this luxury home is getting ready to go on the market and become certified by Passive House Institute U.S.