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Green Building News

Three Winners Selected in Dallas Green Design Contest

Urban redevelopment specialist RE:Vision announces the results of a design competition focused on redevelopment of a city block in Dallas

One of three This project proposal, called Forwarding Dallas, is one of the three winners of the design contest co-presented by RE:Vision Dallas. The project’s creators, Atelier Data and MOOV, both based in Portugal, say the hill-shaped structure is designed to maximize the harvest of solar thermal, photovoltaic, and wind energy. The buildings feature 100% prefabricated components, an exterior “Venetian blind” system that can be adjusted to seasonal conditions, and a northeast façade made entirely from thick, high-thermal-mass straw bales.
Image Credit: Atelier Data & MOOV for RE:Vision Dallas

The challenge was to design a building complex, with open space and other amenities, that would transform a neglected city block in downtown Dallas into a model of sustainable construction and living practices.

The contest guidelines put hard construction costs in the range of $30 million and $60 million for the project, which would be designed to meet LEED Platinum standards and include about 500 residential units, 50 sq. ft. of arable land per unit, and about 75,000 sq. ft. of retail space.

The competition was launched in January by urban redevelopment specialist RE:Vision in collaboration with the Central Dallas Community Development Corporation and community design facilitator bcWORKSHOPS. The entry deadline was May 8; three winners have since been chosen by a six-member jury.

According to RE:Vision Dallas, judging focused on four areas, each weighted at 25% in the overall scoring: sustainability; affordability and constructability; innovation and originality; and the project’s ability to “encourage sustainable use of energy, transportation, commerce, community, and construction.”

Behind the green wall

RE:Vision has posted images of all three winners as well three honorable mentions (click here for the contest summary page). Eventually, one of the three winners will be picked for the actual project, which, the Central Dallas CDC executive director told the Dallas Observer, likely won’t break ground until after 2010.

All three winners – a project called Entangled Bank, from the firm Little, based in Charlotte, North Carolina; Greenways Xero Energy, from David Baker and Partners Architects and Fletcher Studio, based in San Francisco; and Forward Looking, from Atelier Data and MOOV, both based in Lisbon, Portugal – attempt to accommodate the arable-land requirement in fairly ambitious ways.

But as one Observer reader pointed out, growing anything but desert-tolerant succulents on the buildings’ south- and west-facing sides will be difficult because of the intensely hot Texas sun, and attempts at maintaining green-growing, moisture-retaining walls can be derailed by mold problems that are particularly tenacious in Dallas.

But the CDC seems willing to listen to good advice. And there’s plenty of time before digging starts.

One Comment


    Lstiburek will have fun with this!
    over glazed, irrigation dependant, Dr. Joe and friends will have a field day making fun of these designs, I can't wait!

    Still, the first runner up "Co-op Canyon" really makes me smile with the delightful cantalevers and thought full pantings and SHADED windows with what look like solar canopies. Plus, no building integrated wind and a nice street level green space integration. Why are they the runner up and not the winner? and why was this contest not represented at the National Green Building Conference that just happened in Dallas?

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