24k btu Mitsubishi H2i one-to-one

I’ve never prescribed a large Mitsubishi unit- working on two retrofits now where a larger size indoor unit is needed. A 24k btu wall mounted air handler would be ideal as a one-to-one with an outdoor unit of the same size.
As far as I can tell, Mitsubishi does not produce a wall mount air handler that can pair directly with its single zone 24k btu exterior unit (suz-ka24NAHZ) other than ducted units. Are there other options? Or will I need to go with a multi zone exterior unit and two 12k btu wall mount heads?
Why not produce a 2 ton H2i one-to-one?
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Can you do a ceiling-mounted cassette?
Something like this? http://mylinkdrive.com/viewPdf?srcUrl=http://enter.mehvac.com.s3.amazonaws.com/DAMRoot/Original/10006%5CM_SUBMITTAL_PKA-A24KA7_PUZ-HA24NHA1_en.pdf
That's the ticket!
Was not familiar with the P-series. Now the crux is sourcing equipment sometime this decade.
Thanks fellas.
Looks like you can get the non hyper heat version in a few days here: https://hvacdirect.com/mitsubishi-24-000-btu-21-4-seer-single-zone-heat-pump-system-id9730.html
If your open to Fujitsu, that is in stock also.