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Are Marvin windows worth the price?

GBA Editor | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Marvin windows architecturally look superior to other major brands. But the cost can be anywhere from 30-100% more! How does one trade off the look for cost and insulation efficiency?

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  1. Riversong | | #1

    In my design calculus, form follows function. If it doesn't perform as required, then it ain't beautiful (and it may start looking ugly when the real bill comes due).

  2. Anonymous | | #2

    Marvin windows (and, I believe Andersen, which is a slightly better made/designed/looking window) are far better looking than your standard windows. Yes, their costs are probably 50-100% higher than standard windows. As for their energy efficiency, simply look at their energy efficiency ratings...they are reliable for both these upscale and the standard windows. I, for one, am willing to pay the difference...there is simply no comparison!

  3. Andrew Henry | | #3

    If you are looking at Marvin then you might as well start looking at the fibreglass framed triple glazed windows that Martin has written about in the past. Your house will be more comfortable as you will have less radiant and convective heat loss near the windows; especially when it is dark and cold out.

    Most people think energy efficiency when they start pricing good windows but they should also put a value on the improvement to the quality of the indoor environment that really good windows provide occupants.

    I have both Marvin and Thermotech windows in my house. I wish they we're all Thermotechs!

  4. Ine | | #4

    We went with Serious windows 925 series. Insulated fiberglass frames and very good u-value specs in the .13 to .17 range depending on type of window. I'd take a harder look at solar gain and visual transmittance if I did this over again. But, my understanding is that these cost us about the same as the high end windows from a company like Marvin and the performance should be much better.

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