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Asian Green?

MICHAEL CHANDLER | Posted in General Questions on

I’m heading to Japan in the morning and will be spending a little time with Flavio Sauza, who is forming a Japan based resource group called to form social linkages between researchers and practitioners of green focused information technology which includes new battery research such as the mono-crystalline lithium ion batteries just coming out and new ways to make electronic devices and motors more efficient including new approaches to electric cars and mass transit.

I am curious about what queries my esteemed comrades here at GBI might be interested in having me ask, if only to prevent me from coming across and the mad scientist slash back woods country plumber from Free Saxapahaw, North Carolina that I am.

What green technological innovation piques y’alls curiosity?


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    Innovations like a mini segway?
    or the single crystal battery innovation?
    A solar fueled engine to drive a generator or AC?

    Just curious as to what's coming around the corner.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Check out their heat-pump water heaters -- quite common there.

    Also, roof-integrated PV -- far more common in residential installations in Japan than the U.S.

    Take time to go to a public bath and enjoy a few deep, long soaks.

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