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Deep Energy Retrofit

415irwin | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

This isn’t so much a question as a suggestion for those renting a basement apartment and looking for cheap approaches to a deep energy retrofit. The added bonus is we don’t have to breath in fumes from the upstairs wood stove now! Images speak louder than words…

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I understand why you want to install a plug in the flue, but your suggestion is dangerous.

    An ember from the flue (originating in the upstairs wood stove) could set your plastic bag on fire.

    I urge you to remove the plastic bag as soon as possible. Go to your local hardware store and buy a 6-inch-diameter stovepipe plug or thimble cap. These items are made of steel, not plastic. The cost should be less than $6.

  2. 415irwin | | #2

    You're right Martin.

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