House wrap over Zip or Forcefield

Is it possible to use a house wrap with a built-rain screen over Zip system or Forcefield sheathing without causing a moisture problem between the two barriers? I already have the house wrap and the house is being sided with LP smartside b&b.
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As long as the product has comparable or greater permeance than Zip, you're not really changing the drying potential of the assembly.
Yes, but be aware that the dimpled house-wraps provide very few of the benefits a full rain-screen does.
There's this document from Huber about Housewrap.
They do recommend layers of housewrap for stucco but I don't know if they require it for other types of cladding.
I know there's a Huber Peel & Stick product for roofs but I don't know if it can be used for walls.