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HRV settings

Jdobe | Posted in Mechanicals on

Hi All,

What settings are recommended for an HRV during the summer and shoulder season? I’m in a new home that has an HRV incorporated into the HVAC ducting. In winter, easy to understand setting the dehumidistat on the HRV controller. In summer however, this doesn’t really make sense , since the HRV won’t be able dehumidify – either it would just run continuously or never depending on what set point is selected. Am I thinking about this correctly? Our HVAC contractor installed a controller that only has dehumidistat function (no timer option), but told me that in this climate (southern WI) should always use the dehumidistat controller. I’m confused. Any insight appreciated. 


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  1. DennisWood | | #1

    What type of HRV and control do you have? Controllers like the Venmar will have on option to run the HRV at low speed, and the humidistat function will just toggle that the unit to full (boost) speed. Your primary concern should be air quality, ensuring that your house is getting the correct amount of ventilation for your needs, then humidity. If the humistat is used alone to control operation, your IAQ may suffer.

    You should also determine if the air handler/furnace fan is interlocked to HRV operation so the fan function is running, if the HRV is on.

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