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In-wall Hygrometer: OmniSense options?

airfix | Posted in General Questions on

I am getting ready for 4 way inspection on a new construction in climate zone 6b with exterior foam (3″ polyiso) under boral siding with other areas being stone veneer and some EIFS stucco.  I  was thinking it was time to order the planned in wall hygrometers from Omnisense:

I was going to stick them in key locations and monitor my wall and roof condition over a period of years.  I called them up today just to figure out the details before I bought.  It turns you can buy the sensors, install them, install the gateway and then not be able to access your data without paying a $20 per month access fee.

Apparently the data is uploaded to the cloud and the keep it under lock and key only distributing it if you pay the monthly fee.  I was hoping to be able to log the data locally but that is apparently impossible.

Does anybody have any other suggestions for hygrometers that I can put in my wall and monitor over a period of years?  I’m a little handy with a Raspberry Pie and Java coding to be able to do some logging myself if I could find the right sensors and just as problematic make time to program them.



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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #1

    Hey Steve,

    I just checked in with a builder that I know that does some in-wall monitoring of his homes, hoping to find you an alternative. No luck, he uses OmniSense equipment and confirmed that a subscription is necessary. But he is happy with the system and said that it is good equipment. So I thought I'd pass that vote of confidence along in case you can't find a less costly way to do your monitoring. If you do find another route, please share with us here.

  2. airfix | | #2


    Thanks for checking. Yeah the omnisense equipment looks like good stuff so I'm not surprised he has good things to say about them.

    If I do find anything else I'll post here but in the big picture of managing a house build it's a task a lot lower on the priority list.


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