Insulated glass in custom door

Hi- I’m building a full light custom exterior door for a client, 36″x80″. There will be a single piece of 7/16″ insulated glass approximately 26″x66″ installed with a muntin grid placed over it on both sides (one fixed, one removable). What is the best way to secure the glass in place? And how wide should my glass rabbet be? I am hoping to wet glaze it with silicone or something comparable, as opposed to dry glazing with rubber gaskets, as it will make the design easier and will improve the appearance. But I’m open to suggestions.
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When I've made doors with glass I have used mechanically fastened stops on one side-sometimes with screws, sometimes with nails. Nails are easier to install but involve more risk of breaking the glass. The rabbet should be deep enough to conceal the glass spacer plus a bit, about 1/2". I have used traditional glazing putty for wet glazing but there might be better options available.
Check with the glass manufacturer as to what glazing materials they approve. They can be fussy.
Usually the silicone that doesn't stink, but good to get the brand name right.
Pretty slim glass...