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Should I close off the crawl space vents under my home in winter?

odqP3ooSV9 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I just moved to the Verde Valley of AZ from the deserts. This is my first home that is not on a slab foundation. The home is sitting on a slump block foundation raised about 3 feet above the ground.
There are 3 vents in the exterior foundation. Should I block those off in the winter? And if so, when?
What time of year should I reopen them?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Yes, you should close the vents in the winter. This will help keep your pipes from freezing.

    If you have any ductwork in your basement, you might want to consider closing off the crawl space vents permanently. If you create a sealed crawl space, you have to do it right. Here is more information: Building an Unvented Crawl Space.

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