User Names

Not so much a question as a plea to posters – especially long time ones – to choose a name, or revert to the one they were using before having to re-register, so we all know who we are talking to.
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

This is kind of a sore subject.
After the migration I ended up with three accounts. One of them I can't even log into any more and has all my past postings. About once a month I have to log in again, I don't know which account I'm going to get and half the time my screen name has been changed to user_*** when I do.
It won't let me. Many people have pointed it out for months, no one from the site cares. It's like posting to an abandoned forum.
The worst part is that you get labelled a drama queen for complaining about it. Literally can't win either way.
I'd love to. It won't let me.
If that's the case maybe we could use a work-around, and just sign our posts?
I hate the idea I'm replying to someone I know like as stranger, or giving advice that may seem patronizing to someone with a lot of experience.
I seem to have been able to edit my "screen name" to reflect something resembling my name, but can't use spaces or punctuation, however.
Unfortunately, in 2023, we still haven't figured out how to make computers understand ASCII (first conceived in 1961 CE) characters like space and apostrophe.
I think the folks at Taunton are lovely, but they need to solicit some outside guidance as to their technology choices.
My latest enjoyment is logging into GBA and being told nothing with my credentials can be found, but then I DON'T CHANGE A SINGLE THING and click the login button again and it magically works.
The site is magically broken.
This is not that complicated and should be a simple solution... Fix it so members can only use the name on the credit card used to pay for the membership,. Done!