Big Houses
Colorado County Ponders Lower Limit on House Size
A study finds energy use climbs rapidly as house size increases, possibly because of amenities like snowmelt systems and spas
Is Bigger Really Better?
American homes are growing ever larger. Is that upward mobility or increased isolation?
Space as a Green Metric
The average size of a U.S. house is going up, but the number of occupants is going down
Greening the Way to LEED Platinum, Hamptons-style
A nonprofit group promoting ecologically friendly houses landed the top LEED rating for its premiere project, a 4,890-sq.-ft. home in Southampton, New York
The Big-Home Balloon Continues to Deflate
The desire for better energy efficiency is among several factors contributing to the gradual decline in the size of new homes cited recently in Census Bureau data
Market Perspective on the CT Zero Energy Challenge
A Challenge competitor in Connecticut takes the long view on the marketing potential of energy efficient residential construction
A Big-House Tests Green Cred in Berkeley
The Bay Area town designates as green a planned 6,500-sq.-ft. house, with a 3,400-sq.-ft. garage, kicking off a new round in the green-house/big-house debate