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Is there much of a difference between .27 and .22 in the solar heat gain in new windows for Fort Worth, TX?

XtYPKKcCLU | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

We are purchasing new windows for our home in Ft. Worth, TX and want to know if it is worth spending an extra $20 to $30 per window to improve our solar heat gain rating from .27/.28 to .21/.22.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The answer depends on a lot of factors.

    Which way do the windows face? The upcharge is certainly worth it for east and west windows, but not for north windows.

    Are the windows shaded by a porch roof? If so, it's not worth it.

    Are these new construction windows or replacement windows?

  2. XtYPKKcCLU | | #2

    The windows I am thinking about are East, South, and West facing and are not covered by a portch roof etc. I am not think about the East garage windows, or windows covered by a portch, should I? These are replacement windows, replacing 25 year old builder grade aluminum windows. The .28 are being called LE windows and the .21 are called LEE windows. I was thinking about a combination depending on location (ie direct sun). All would be energy star rated.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    If these are replacement windows, you probably know which rooms in your house are most likely to overheat when the sun hits the windows. Those are the rooms that definitely need the windows with the 0.22 SHGC glazing.

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