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How are the tests for Spillage, draft and CO done if the CAZ door to a sealed combustion closet is closed and the closet is small?

EnergyDave | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have looking at Sealed Combustion Closets as an economical way to mitigate WCD effects on atmospherically drafted water heaters inside the living space.

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    i can imagine a scenario where your combustion analyzer hose and your manometer hose are long enough to leave the instruments outside the room, with the door ajar, and careful use of masking tape to seal around the door so that it's effectively "shut". That doesn't help you test for spillage, though.

    What I'd probably do in this case is use a CO datalogger to capture some readings. Leave it in the closet during your audit, run your blower door test, run a bunch of hot water so the unit fires, etc. Then retrieve the logger and see what happened.

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