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How do I repair this mudsill joint?

AlanB4 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

It looks like there is some kind of parging that is now crumbling, i could break it apart with a screwdriver pretty easily.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you can "break it apart with a screwdriver pretty easily," then you should break it apart with a screwdriver.

    Then vacuum up the chips and dust.

    Then seal the crack. If the crack is wide, seal it with canned spray foam. If the crack is narrow, seal it with a high-quality caulk.

  2. AlanB4 | | #2

    Thanks Martin, i have been resisting the urge to harm it and have been trying to preserve it.
    Most if it appears to be seal-able with a thick bead of caulk, is there a particular type to be used here?

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