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Material Recyclers

John_Hansen | Posted in General Questions on

I am in the Chicago area. The last opportunity that I had to build a home, the local waste haulers did not offer any recycling options for construction materials. One company did offer some specialized recycling, but there was a significant premium for their services (about 100% more).

My carpenters were always frugal with framing materials, and we generated less that 60 CY per house — often times only 40 CY per house (total construction including both rough framing and the trim phase). Drywall was scrapped out by the DW subcontractor, so it is not included in this discussion. Siding contractors also took away their own scrap.

What is a fair price to pay to a waste haulers or a scavenger service as a premium to have materials recycled? Do you generally use two different refuse services – one for trash, and one for sorted recyclables?

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  1. Envirocon | | #1

    Here in Utah, our local landfill will set a recycling dumpster for free. They charge about $300 for a 17 yard refuse container.

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