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I want to know that how to remove the polythene which used on ply at the time of slab casting

Urban Properties | Posted in General Questions on

Hello Sir. I want to know that how to remove the polythene which used on ply at the time of slab casting. It’s about months back, now we are unable to remove those polythenes from ceiling.

Please show me the way to remove polythene.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I don't understand your question.

    What is "polythene"? Do you mean polyethylene (plastic sheeting)?

    What is "ply"? Do you mean plywood?

    Where is this plywood with respect to the slab? (I assume that you are talking about a concrete slab.) Is it a slab on grade or a suspended slab poured over a plywood subfloor? Is the plywood a temporary form under the slab or a permanent subfloor that stays in place?

    Where is the polyethylene? Was the polyethylene installed between a temporary plywood form and the suspended concrete slab?

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