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What sheathing under a metal roof?

Jane Metzger | Posted in General Questions on

We are building a garage. The roof is a 12/12 pitch. We would like to put spray foam insulation under the roof when we have the funds. We have a thermos roof on our house and love it. We thought we were going to use 3/4 inch T&G OSB for sheathing. We then heard complaints about screws stripping out. We really don’t want purlins because we live in an area that can have a lot of hail damage. Should we switch to the more expensive plywood? I feel like we are going around in circles…….

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Most builders would agree that 3/4-inch OSB is a perfectly adequate roof sheathing for a garage. I have never heard that 3/4-inch OSB doesn't hold screws well enough for this application. But then again, I always like to install metal roofing on purlins.

    My guess is that you are over-worrying about hail damage. Maybe all you need to do is check your insurance policy to make sure that it covers hail damage to roofs.

  2. Jane Metzger | | #2

    Well, it is my husband that is over-worrying. He is an over-builder, too. Eventually there will be a 560 square foot living above the garage. We are installing the floor, but will leave it unfinished for now. That is why I am concerned about the insulation. We want to use the spray foam. I guess calling both a spray foam dealer and the metal roof dealer may answer those questions, but it is nice to hear from other people that have experience.
    I will check the insurance policy.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Here is a link to a document (sorry for the poor quality of the scan) that appears to show that smooth-shank nails and ring-shank nails in OSB have a slightly higher fastener withdrawal load than the same nails in plywood.

    Another source reports an opposite finding: "Tests comparing pull-through strength between plywood and OSB indicate that 17 pounds of force are required to pull out a nail from plywood, but 15 pounds of force from OSB."

    In any case, the performance of OSB and plywood in this regard appears to be close.

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