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Living in a very small space

Martin Holladay | Posted in Interior Design on

Here’s a link to a fun video about interior design: how to make a very small apartment work well:

Thanks to Anna LaRue, who posted the video on her Web site, ZeroResource!

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  1. 5C8rvfuWev | | #1

    Absolutely brilliant! If I were only so neat that I could live in a space like that.

  2. user941025 | | #2

    I always enjoy these, and I currently have the Micro Green homes book out from the library--but I usually have the same assessment of people living in the tiny homes that are featured (including this guy in the rooftop home, A Zittel from Office of Mobile Design, et al): They don't cook much, do they....

  3. belmanliving | | #3

    Very innovative and creative indeed! Love this man's attitude too, so positive! The hidden bed, the kitchen, specially the dining table, wow, so beautifully done. Very much inspiring.

  4. anthonyc12 | | #4

    so nice and great thank you for sharing this video with us but i am looking for loft conversion do anybody has some information about it?

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