Visit the Green Building Advisor / Fine Homebuilding Booth
Once again, we’ll be at the National Green Building Conference, this year in Raleigh-Durham, NC. Swing by the booth for a chance to talk to Pete (Technical director of GBA), Dan (Senior web producer for GBA and FHB), and Brian Pontolilo (editor of FHB). Also, expect Carl Seville and Michael Chandler to be milling about.
NAHB’s Press Release:
A Real-World Education in Green
Register now
for the 2010 NAHB National Green Building Conference, where you’ll get the information that you need on building green in education sessions and on the streets—on our Tour of Green Homes
. The tour features two luxury homes, one a Craftsman-style with lots of outdoor living space, the other a rustic beauty that incorporates local yellow pine from trees harvested within 70 miles. You’ll also see green workforce housing, a house built to NAHB ANSI 700 Green Building Standard Gold and other amazing green projects.
The Conference has a new GreenTensive education track: a day-long series of five sessions—attend as many as you like—each focused on a specific green practice. Choose from Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Indoor Environmental Quality, Resource Efficiency, and Lot Design, Preparation and Development. The sessions will be facilitated by experts who will lead small groups in enriching discussions leading to problem-solving and discovery. And don’t miss these sessions:
– The Economics of Green Homes and Green Home Building
– Quality Management for High Performance Homes
– Water Conservation: A Balance of Technology and Behavior
– Keeping Them Honest: The Truth Behind Green Product Claims
Also, be sure to check out our new session on the proposed Home Star Act. See a complete list of education sessions here
. Register now at www.nahb.org/greenbuildingconference
Login to the Conference Facebook or Linkedin page, or Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/nahbgreen
. and share your questions about the five session topics of the GreenTensive Track. What do you want to know as a builder?
Don’t forget to stop by and visit the Fine Homebuilding and Green Building Advisor booth if you make it to the show!
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One Comment
Yep I'll be (wind)milling around all right
I just wanted to put in a plug for the folks who have been planning this deal (please forgive me)
For one we've had pretty good cross-over with USGBC for an NAHB event. In the past the fact that we had what some perceived to be competing standards has led to tension when we tried to share events but our local HBA has signed an agreement with our local USGBC group to promote each other’s events and work together whenever possible and we are actually co-hosting the opening night “after party” at a museum a few blocks from the convention center. It’s open to folks who aren’t registered for the conference, it’s only $10, and my band is playing.
Also I’ve personally “curated” a more educational bus tour than in years past. The buses will have green building and green business educators on board who will lead rolling conversations between houses on the economics and operational realities of building green. We’ll be looking at LEED-h as well as NAHB ANSI-700 certified homes with an emphasis early in the tour on affordable for-profit and non-profit strategies to build and remodel green as well as a high-end remodel built by Randy Lanou, who’s NCSU student design teams have repeatedly done very well at the USGBC natural talent design competitions. After considering the affordable end of things we’ll visit three (not-so-affordable) gold-rated homes that showcase some of the more cutting edge stuff. Not the usual home tour, this is a six hour rolling boot camp of green building. ($75 includes lunch)
If you come out the day before you can visit 31 more green-certified homes for free (but you have to drive yourself with no guide.)
If the cost and time for the entire conference is too much you can sign up for the one day educational pass ($300) and take the GreenTensive classes led by Peter Yost, (energy efficiency) Carl Seville (water), Peter Pfeiffer (indoor air), Matt Belcher (land use), and Michael Strong (resource efficiency). Plus Dave Porter on appraisals, Sam Rashkin on the new Energy Star and Rick Schwolsky on green washing… Skip the beginner stuff and go straight to the advanced level.
The city of Raleigh is really excited about hosting this event in our new LEED certified conference center. You can even reduce your carbon footprint and arrive by Amtrack if you live on the east coast. The city has offered (knock on wood) free hybrid bus service from the train station to the conference center and other hotels around town. This is foodie and loco-vore heaven, plan on some vinegar-laced, local free-range pork barbecue and micro-brew. The Carolina Pale Ale is awesome but Mash House Brewery’s Hoppy Hour IPA will pin yer ears back but good. We’ve had fun planning this party, hope you can join us for it.
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