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.5/12 Roof Assembly

kjenglert | Posted in General Questions on

I am going to build a 1200 sq.ft. home with a raised heel .5/12 monotruss. This will allow me to either make an unvented assembly with spray foam flash and batt or a vented assembly with fiberglass batts, other batts, or blow in insulation. It seems to me that 0.5/12 is too low a pitch to vent properly. Is this true? Does the climate matter? This home will be in the Methow Valley which is in Zone 6 (dry). Thanks for any ideas.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Yes that is too low a slope for venting to work effectively, unless you take the extra steps described here: Vented roofs should be at least 2:12.

  2. seabornman | | #2

    What will your roofing system be? You probably don't need a vented system.

  3. rockies63 | | #3

    Architect Steven Baczek did a vented low slope roof in his Youtube series "The Hilltop Arrow" project.
    The roof plan.
    The roof eave detail.

  4. kjenglert | | #4

    Thanks for these ideas. We will be making an unvented roof.

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