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Best Tape for XPS and House Wrap

Midwayman | Posted in General Questions on

I am insulating a large steel building wall (18′ tall).  Looking to install a layer of 1″ XPS on the outside of steel girts (seams taped/foamed) followed by a layer of house wrap (perma pro – woven) ran vertically, overlapped 1′ and taped.  The outside sheet metal would go on top of the house wrap.

1.  What is the best tape for the XPS?  I will try to foam the joint, but wanted the tape as “suspenders”.  Owens-Corning has a HomeSealR tap available locally at $20 for 180′.  However, their literature speaks of a JointSealR tape which sticks better, lasts better etc.  Not only is it hard to find, but it is $46 for a 90′ roll.  Still yet, I saw this thread ( where 3M All  Weather Flashing Tape is recommended.  That tape is $31 for a 75′ roll.    Is the HomeSealR appropriate for this application or do I need one of the more expensive options or a different option all together?

2.  Is there a known good tape for the house wrap?  The PermaPro company didn’t recommend anything in particular.

Don’t mean to overthink something as simple as tape, but the last thing I want is diminishing results in a few years because I didn’t do my homework now.  Any input is much appreciated.

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  1. Midwayman | | #1

    I have seen a lot of messaging regarding tapes, but have seen nothing regarding this seemingly "purpose made" HomeSealR tape. Anyone care to chime in? If it would work for both housewrap tape as well as the XPS tape, that would be great.

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2


    Sorry, I don't have an answer to your main question , but a couple of thoughts:

    - I doubt you will be able to effectively foam the joints of the XPS. You would have to leave a gap, and it would be better to keep the boards tight.
    - If you have taped exterior insulation, does the house-wrap add much to the walls?

    1. Midwayman | | #3


      Thank you for your reply. You bring up good points, let me elaborate:

      1. Correct, I do NOT plan on relying solely on spray foam for the joint. I have, however, found that if I use the "windows and doors" low expansion foam in my foam gun, it allows me to put down a very thin controlled layer of foam. I don't necessarily is expect this to be an ultimate seal, but if it is not too cumbersome, hope that it provides "half-a-belt" to the suspenders, which would be the tape over the joint (hence the question about tape).

      2. I agree that a perfectly applied foam layer would work just fine. However, I figured the extra layer of wrap over the foam 1.) Provides more support for the foam while installing exterior panels 2.) Provides a good barrier that can be tucked into window and door opening for better water ingress protection 3.) A final layer of protection for air sealing in the event the foam board tape degrades with time, and/or, doesn't seal properly during application.

      It should be noted that I fell into a good quantity of 9'x100' rolls of house wrap for very little cost, so the only real expense is my time in installation.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #4


        That all makes sense. Hopefully someone will chime in on what would be a good tape for the foam.

  3. MartinHolladay | | #5

    See this article: "Return to the Backyard Tape Test".

    For XPS, the winning tape was Siga Sicrall.

    1. Midwayman | | #9


      I like the article. I would be interested to see how those tapes compare to the seemingly purpose-made tapes for XPS from Owens Corning (HomeSealR, JointSealR, FlashSealR, and Bild-R-Tape). Is there a reason those were not included in your test?

      1. StephenSR | | #11

        I'd love to know how these perform because I somehow ended up with ten rolls of the stuff for the price of one, and would love to use it in place of the 8067. It IS "agressively sticky" as advertised but don't trust that it'll perform as well over time.

        Editing to add the NRC CCMC Evaulation Report for JointSealR, in case it's helpful for anyone else:

  4. Ryan_SLC | | #6

    I have my doubts that any tape is sticking for years and years, normally.

    1. andy_ | | #7

      Based on what? A hunch? Gut feeling? Or have you tested these products?

    2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #8


      I've opened 30 year old walls that had poly sealed with Tuck Tape. They looked like the day they were installed.

  5. gbcif | | #10

    8067 tape...

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