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Eco Star windows and patio door

PAUL KUENN | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

A friend had a sales visit from a contractor that installs Eco Star windows. Some of the R/U values my friend said he was promised sounded questionable to me. On the web I see they are reviewed well but would love a “real” experience from anyone in GBA. Anyone work with these?
Thanks, PK

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm not sure what company you are talking about. Is it this company?

    Eurocraft Industries
    9075 130th Avenue North, Unit C
    Largo, FL 33773
    (727) 474-3786

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. PAUL KUENN | | #2

    Good day Martin!

    I had to search and this is all I find:
    I'll have to press them for more specifics but EcoStar is what is listed on his estimate for patio door replacement.

  3. PAUL KUENN | | #3

    That appears to be the right Manufacturer. Thanks! Anyone for an opinion?

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #4

    That's an Australian company.

    Most GBA readers are located in the U.S. and Canada. But perhaps an Australian reader who is familiar with those windows will post a comment.

    -- Martin Holladay

  5. PAUL KUENN | | #5

    Eurocraft does have an Ecostar window and doors so that must be it.

  6. PAUL KUENN | | #6

    Anyone out there ever work with this company?

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