Lift and slide patio doors to reduce air infilltration

Any info on “lift and slide” patio doors? I live on Lake Erie and oftentimes experience 20-30mph winds and several times a year winds in the 50-75mph range. These winds are referred as Alberta clippers and can be sustained for several days. I want to replace my 20yr old 8′ and 5′ double pane Andersons. It seems they leak air everywhere. I’m not only looking for high performance glass but superior air sealing for a sliding door. French doors will not work due to the small size patio. There is little information on the lift and slide and all the salesmen tell their product is superior to my 20yr old doors but I’d like to know if the lift and slide is superior for my application. Manufactures include Weiland, Panda, Kolbe and Marvin has one listed on their website but no one seems to know anything about it. I called the factory and their expert said it’s available but they currently have no test data on the performance. It is currently being tested. The manufacturers also seem to prefer low-e double pane 1/4″ glass with 1/2″ spacer. They weigh a ton. The doors face the North on a recessed patio.
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Since these products are from major manufacturers, do their sales materials or websites include any data on air infiltration testing?
Are tilt-turn windows available in your area? They will seal.
Many of the manufacturers simple state their product meets or exceeds minimum specifications. I really just want a high performance slider. Better than "minimum specifications." There is plenty of info regarding windows but patio doors seem to be forgoten. I have more square footage in patio doors than in windows. Windows typically have 2 or 3 layers of weatherstripping. Most patio doors have one of the brush type. Any opinions on high performance sliding patio doors would be appreciated.
Your best bet would be to use hinged (French) patio doors. The best ones are triple-glazed fiberglass doors from Canadian manufacturers (Thermotech Fiberglass, Accurate Dorwin, or Inline, for example).
Even Optiwin, a German manufacturer of Passivhaus certified windows and doors, admits that their line of lift and slide patio doors represent a liability when it come to achieving air tightness.
I worked on a project that used the Optiwin tilt-n-turn windows as patio doors.
The Optiwin's like several other European makes have a substantial solid wood frame and high quality hardware. When you get to a door size window I don't know how well the PVC extruded frames of the Canadian manufacturers would operate.
If you like right on Lake Erie you might even be able to afford the Optiwin or other European brand solid wood fram tilt-n-turn.
You can get an operable tilt-n-turn next to a fixed section and it would look similar to a sliding door.
Per Martin's suggestion, I've seen a couple of examples of hinged patio doors and I don't have confidence in their ability to maintain a tight airtight seal over time. Also not quite sure how with your spatial limitations these would be different then regular French doors.
I've replaced an old patio door in my home with a Marvin tilt-n-turn window. Not quite the size of a full door (I brought the sill up ~14" off the floor and have to step over this). I'm quite happy with the operation and the strength of the sash. However the Marvin hardware is a lower quality version of the hardware the European windows use and though domestic the Marvin tilt-n-turns are already quite expensive.
J Chesnut,
You referred to "the PVC extruded frames of the Canadian manufacturers." But all of the manufacturers I listed make fiberglass frames, not PVC frames. There is a big difference.
I think Kolbe provides more information regarding their products than most.
Thanks for the correction.
I have not seen the fiberglass extruded windows (except for Marvin's Integrity series).
I've been confusing Thermotech with Thermo-tech (PVC) and Inline with Innotech (PVC).
This discussion about using lift-and-slide patio doors to reduce air infiltration is quite insightful, especially when considering energy efficiency in home design. Properly sealed doors can make a significant difference in maintaining indoor comfort, similar to how goods lift installation needs to be carried out with precision to ensure smooth operation and energy efficiency. Just as a well-installed patio door can keep drafts at bay, a properly installed goods lift can optimize space and functionality in commercial or residential buildings.
Any "sliding" window or door assembly will leak air, as the design is flawed and allows air to leak between the sliding elements. It's just the nature of the beast. The European lines of Tilt and Glide do a way better job of air sealing as the assembly has to lift out of the channel track and then drops back down into the channel track. The threshold will be taller and can cause a "tripping" hazard if you are not use to it but the Euro T&G is a superior design over the American sliders.
Supposedly in places like Germany. Sliding windows are against building code as they cannot achieve air tightness. I've pretty much seen just Tilt & Turn windows on new builds, no sliders or single hung windows (vertical sliders).
Maybe try a company like Alpen, which has the European style Tilt & Glide doors. They use a German Rehau designed frame with a hybrid Fiberglass/PVC frame, triple gaskets, etc.