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Floor heat controls.

rhl_ | Posted in Mechanicals on


I probably should have figured this out already, but I installed staple up floor heating, it’s working _very_ well.

i have a tstat that can control the air and floor temp.

the question is what is the recommended way to control it? 

for example should I set it back at night (and have it turn on just before the morning)? 

how do you control it during the day? 

any recommended references on this ? 

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    What are you trying to do and where is the system installed? If this was in a bathroom, I’d set it to warm up a little before you wake up the morning so the floor is toasty when you go in. If the system is in a living room, I’d set it to run when the room was occupied and set back at other times.

    You’re basically trying to balance comfort with energy efficiency. These systems are usually installed as pretty small zones (room by room), which allows for lots of fancy control options if you want to put in the time and money to do it.

    In terms of operation, the floor heat systems I’m familiar with all maintain a temperature setpoint OF THE FLOOR. The sensor is IN the floor. If you’re trying to heat the ambient air in the room with the floor system, you need to set the floor temperature to something higher than the ambient temperature you want, then either try to figure out the equilibrium temperatures or use a separate thermostat to cycle the floor system on and off based on the room temperature.


  2. rhl_ | | #2

    I installed it over the full first floor, save one bathroom.

    My tstat is a tekmarnet 557, so it will control both floor min/max and air min/max.

    Ok so basically set it back at night and turn on just before I go downstairs, etc etc.

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