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Installation of finless windows

2Xxyo7SWoF | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I will be buying windows for a new construction. The difference in cost between windows with nailing fins and those without is $1000 for the package. This is significant money and I would like to take advantage of it unless there is a compelling reason not to. If the reason comes down to ease of installation I can deal with that. What are the other benefits of fins over non-fins?

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    Generally you use self-adhesive flashing tape on the nailing flanges as part of the waterproofing detail. If you don't have flanges you need to figure out what you are going to do for flashing instead...

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    It's perfectly possible to install windows without flanges -- we all did it for years, before finned windows hit the markets in the 1970s.

    Just be sure you thoroughly understand the theory and practice of window flashing. You'll need to flash your rough opening, and you'll need to include sill pan flashing. If these details are new to you, start studying -- or hire a contractor who knows all about flashing and installing windows.

  3. 2Xxyo7SWoF | | #3

    Thanks all. I have decided to stick with the flanged product. I am familiar with flashing details, Martin, and will flash accordingly.

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