Opinions on the VENTS-US single room ductless ERV?

VENTS-US single room ductless ERV units
Any familiarity or opinion about the VENTS-US single room ERV called TwinFresh Comfo. Are the performance claims any good? For apartments, lofts, cottages and small homes? Can they be used in same building where exhaust-only ventilation is in the bath and kitchen?
Apparently Home Depot is where they sell:
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

I've been trying to call the given contact number for vents-us.com
to ask about the fact that the "cycling" methodology is likely to
alternately pressurize and depressurize the building, turning it into
a moisture pump. Calling just goes to some unspecified voicemail.
Now if you could install two of them and *synchronize* their cycles,
you might have something...
Did you ever get a hold of them?