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R-33/inch insulation

rhl_ | Posted in General Questions on

I came across an ad for next generation kingspan optim-r insulation. 

I attached the brochure here:

I’m obviously deeply skeptical, but, thought the community here would be interested. 

Obviously if this material really is this thermally resistant it’s a game changer. 


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  1. gusfhb | | #1

    Don't think evacuated foam is a new concept

    I am certain the price is not game changing

  2. Zdesign | | #2

    The panels are vacuum sealed and can't have any penetrations. That is how they are getting such High R values. Great for a flat roof assembly but limited use in a wall assembly. The Kool Therm K12 Framing board is R16.7 for 2" thick that KingSpan makes and is priced reasonably in comparison to PolyIso and XPS IMO.

    1. Jon_R | | #3

      Looks like about US$ 67 per 4x8' sheet. Better than Thermax ($76 for R13).

  3. Zdesign | | #4

    I paid around $55 a sheet but had a larger order placed, 2 houses. For the exterior of my house it was around $5,500 for the material.

  4. gusfhb | | #5

    since when is iso board that high 2 inch r13 Home Despot website is 40 bucks

  5. DCContrarian | | #6

    R13 Thermasheath RMax is $33.21 for a 4'x8' sheet at my local Home Depot.

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