Extruded Polystyrene
Building a Budget-Friendly Unvented Cathedral Roof
To lower the cost of roof insulation, plan ahead
A Buyer’s Guide to Insulation
Is there a "best" kind? It all depends on your point of view.
Insulation Makers Win EPA Reprieve
A planned phase-out of a chemical blowing agent with high global warming potential stalls
Thermal Drift of Polyiso and XPS
As these rigid foam products age, their R-value decreases
A New Blowing Agent With a Lower Environmental Impact
Honeywell begins production of a new blowing agent for foam insulation with a lower global warming potential than commonly used agents
Polyiso Insulation Performance in Cold Climates
Although extruded polystyrene (XPS) is rated at R-5 per inch, it performs better than R-6 polyiso in cold temperatures
How to Install Rigid Foam Sheathing
What you need to know to install polyisocyanurate, XPS, or EPS on the outside of your walls
The Hardest Insulating Job Ever
I’ve done a bunch of home weatherizing and insulating projects over the years; let me tell you about the worst.
How Much Insulation is Needed?
Standard residential construction in much of the country is 2x4 framing with fiberglass insulation, achieving a paltry R-10 or so in the walls. If insulation is installed at all on…