10 Ways to Reduce Your Indoor Humidity
Get the low-hanging fruit that can help to lower humidity levels before you turn on a dehumidifier
5 Facts About Dew Point Temperature
A brief lesson on dew point temperature and its impact on human comfort
Indoor Air Quality and Moisture Control
Whole-house dehumidification is critical in energy-efficient houses with tight building envelopes
Living With High Humidity
How residents of hot-humid climates can live without air conditioning
Controlling Humidity in an Attic with Spray Foam Insulation
These preliminary data look promising, but the jury's still out
Cold Air Is Dry Air
Don't be fooled by the relative humidity
Defogging the Windshield with Psychrometrics
Understanding the properties of water vapor is useful in cars, too
Two Rules for Humidity
To prevent moisture damage from humid air, just do these two things
Measuring (and Understanding) Humidity
Humidity sensor recommendations for building professionals and homeowners
Questions About HVAC, Insulation, and Ventilation
As he prepares to move into a new home in a more humid climate, a homeowner looks for ways to minimize the risk of mold