Wind Power
Why U.S. Offshore Wind Power is Struggling
Many offshore developments are coming online, but even more are getting canceled before they start. Can the industry recover?
After a Shaky Start, Airborne Wind Energy is Slowly Taking Off
While still in its nascent stages, airoborne wind power could potentially be used in remote locations
U.S. Wind Energy Prices Hit an All-Time Low
A study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds that the cost of wind-generated electricity has dropped below 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour
Judge Cuts Hours for Massachusetts Wind Turbines
Some Falmouth residents living nearby had complained that turbines were responsible for a variety of health problems
Firm Wins Auction for Deepwater Wind Rights
Plans by a Rhode Island-based company call for 200 offshore wind turbines with a capacity of more than 1,000 megawatts
Fire Knocks Out a Maine Wind Turbine
An unusual event at a western Maine wind farm could mean a $4 million loss for the turbine's Canadian owner
Commercial-Scale Wind Power
Large wind turbines provide one of the solutions we so desperately need to address climate change — so why are so many Vermonters opposed to wind development?
Wind Power: Why it Doesn’t Make Sense Everywhere
I’m a huge fan of wind power, but we should recognize that some applications of wind don’t make sense
Buildings Will Play a Big Role in the EU’s Carbon-Reduction Plan
By 2050, greenhouse gas emissions of ‘nearly zero-energy buildings’ will need to show a 88% to 91% drop from 1990 levels
Wind Power Getting Cheaper, Turbines More Efficient
By 2016, the cost of electricity generated by onshore wind turbines will be competitive with the cost of power from fossil-fuel plants, recent research shows