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Capillary break necessity

GBA Editor | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I am building a new home on a sloped lot with good soils (for drainage) in Vermont. My footings have just been poured and they are sitting on four inches of drainage stone. Do I need to add an additional capillary break on top of the footings? (ie drylock) I know that building science recommends it but I am getting some resistance from my concrete and excavation subs. They feel the drainage stone is plenty for my site. Thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    There are a few things in construction that are virtually impossible to retrofit. These include a change in ceiling height and a capillary break between the footing and the foundation wall.

    Is it "necessary"? Perhaps not.

    Is it wise? Absolutely.

    It doesn't cost much, and you'll never be able to fix it in the future. So do it. If your concrete contractor doesn't want to do it, do it yourself.

    For more information on capillary breaks between the footing and the foundation wall, see:

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