Foundations- Page 2 of 7
Why Basements Smell and How to Fix It
Moisture coming into basements through concrete foundation walls can lead to unhealthy conditions. Here are solutions for keeping new and existing basements dry.
Helical Piles with Vented Crawlspace
In solving some problems, helical piles create others—where to house mechanicals and run ducts among them
ICF Foundation with Stick-Framed Walls
A combination of standard building materials and applied building science yields adaptable, replicable, energy-smart assemblies
Making Home Energy Upgrades
Guidance for choosing building assemblies and products that will reduce heating/cooling loads and operational costs
Design for Low-Carbon Building
Details from a Pretty Good House provide a roadmap to lowering a building’s carbon emissions
Footings for Load-Bearing Posts
A homeowner wants to fix a "bouncy" floor by adding a new beam. Do the posts need footings?
Concrete-Free Slab
The “slabless slab” omits the concrete of conventional foundation systems like basements and slabs on grade
Planning and Prepping for Basement Flooring
Managing moisture is key, but choosing the appropriate product and creating a suitable surface are also crucial factors in establishing a long-lasting, comfortable basement floor
Low-Carbon Foundation Systems
As more building pros look for ways to get carbon out of their projects, foundations are the low-hanging fruit. Here are some viable alternatives to concrete basements and slabs.
Insulating a Walkout Basement
Is it better to insulate the walls or the ceiling in a partially finished basement?