control layers
Vapor Retarders and Air Barriers in High-Performance Homes
Building envelope details to minimize air leakage for energy-efficient foundation, wall, and roof assemblies
How to Keep Your Basement Dry and Healthy
A proven method for contolling water, air movement, vapor diffusion, and heat loss in foundation slabs and walls
Conditioned Space Meets Unconditioned Garage, Part II
A floor assembly that ensures a continuous air barrier, thermal comfort, and humidity control in a room above a garage
Conditioned House Meets Unconditioned Garage, Part I
A detail for continuous control layers at the intersection of an attached garage wall and an exterior house wall
Transitioning an Air Barrier for Continuity
When moving from a vertical wall plane to a horizontal ceiling plane, it’s critical to avoid gaps
Integrating Windows to Ensure Building Performance
A detail for wrapping the sill into a wall assembly’s four control layers
Positioning Control Layers in a Cantilevered Floor Assembly
As long as the span is 24 inches or under, this is a fairly straightforward detail
5 High-Performance Details
Architect Elizabeth DiSalvo shares a few of her preferred cold-climate construction details for foundations, walls, and roofs
The Four Control Layers of a Wall
How water, air, vapor, and temperature controls lead to a durable building envelope and a comfortable, efficient home